Euro Techno Go Lite Version

Author of personal space to voice my opinions as well as spotting unusual sightings in Singapore.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Matchmaking at the Shoe Shop

It was a routine Sunday afternoon driving my mum to the market to stock up her grocery. Noticing that i have been wearing the worn-out mis-matched colour slippers, my mum introduced me to a shop that sells rather fashionable slippers. As my previous pair of white slippers bought in Bugis was stolen overnight, i thought it isn't a bad idea to buy a cheaper one without travelling to town.

After selecting the design and getting the right size from the customer-service oriented Auntie, she asked for my age and guessed that im only 24. Before i can replied, my mum answered on my behalf and the auntie's "conversation" started. Worried about my future, my mum asked the store auntie if she has any suitable candidates to introduce to me. "Yes, i have a daughter who's 25 this year and still single", the auntie replied excitedly. She told us that her pretty daughter would be appearing in the new this evening for some interview. And i'm welcomed back anytime to the shop to look for her if i'm interested in making friends =)

I thought referral system while buying stuff in the market was a thing of a past, but i know my mum would be keeping a lookout for this evening news.


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