Euro Techno Go Lite Version

Author of personal space to voice my opinions as well as spotting unusual sightings in Singapore.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tio Summon at Home

In contrary to the past, i try to make an effort to write something different everyday. In the past i was too concern with the topics and always like to maintain a certain "standard" before each post gets published. Those were the days when we were young and carefree :p Without much burden and could afford to do whatever we wanted.

Now i treat this space as a sharing platform, whether it interest you or draw traffic is secondary. Afterall blog should be something personal (unless celebrity), adequate to share with friends yet not too intruding. Realising that i have not been fulfilling my life for the past few months, i decided to spend the most out of it and do something which i always like, photography and music. Shall share more next time.

Do you find it incredible to get parking tickets at home when you have a valid season parking RFID? Many thanks to car over population and limited park lots in older estates, people who came home late night have to park illegally.

So drivers have to park creatively without blocking the traffic. Maybe the traffic warden fined them for not getting up early and park their cars back to the free lots. But late night work/movie/JB sure very tired and difficult to get up in the morning. Looks like only a well-written appeal letter will save their pocket getting burnt.

Took this picture from home before going to work.

This morning i smiled at the Audi TT driver who stays above me, hope he didn't think that i was laughing at his ticket on the windscreen!

This is what happens when i come home LATE!


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