Euro Techno Go Lite Version

Author of personal space to voice my opinions as well as spotting unusual sightings in Singapore.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Dungeons and Dragons Part II


After a disappointing trip to the Marsiling Woods, we are back again for the second time in search for the legendary dungeon. Dressed in full battle order, we were determined to explore the forest until the dungeon was to be discovered. Save my breathe for this post since it has already been discussed it before, let's fast forward and see what's interesting in the forsaken forest.

Found a wallet

Poured out the contents, it belonged to a Malaysian.
Leave it the way as it is, take nothing but pictures.

Parachutes ?

Sergeant Riz and hongnehneh

nsmen dig one ?

Jack fruit

Then the largely anticipated dungeon was finally discovered after a carpet combing of the forest. Our dream of going to Malaysia without crossing the causeway is coming true, will we succeed in doing so in the end ? **Drumrolls**

Noooooooo, dreams shattered !!!

Where's the explosive guy, can we blow the hell out of it ?

Feeling devastated, we left left the place to continue to live our life as civilian. No more exploring expeditions and crazy adventures as we all parted separate ways to pursue our goals in our life. It was good while it lasted, the support from friends given was tremendous and it wouldn't be possible without their cool participation. It's time to bid goodbye to all the extraordinary stuff we had done, the experience will definitely be memorable to look back when we grow old (though some posts were taken down for reason). Good luck to all the boys in their new jobs, maybe when we can explore the tunnel linked to Sentosa from Labrador if time permit.

Love the greenery

My BFF(Best Friend Forever) hongnehneh, i tell you this guy is amazing. He is the catalyst that motivates us to do things out of this world, a single pointer in O level and Phd holder, truly genius !


*Phd = Permanent Head Damage

My "iphone"


Only non camera phone allowed @ work

I have yet to conclude my blogging "career", though adventures have ceased for good but i can still introduce exquisite supper spots and occasional random write up. Shall see how it goes from here then.

Check back here periodically, who knows i might just have some surprises for you ! But confirm not porn one ok !


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